9-15 May was Mental Health awareness week – Loneliness


Did you know that one in four adults feel lonely some or all of the time. There’s no single cause and there’s no one solution. After all, we’re all different! But, the longer we feel lonely, the more we are at risk of mental health problems. Some people are also at higher risk of feeling lonely than others. For Mental Health Awareness Week this year, we’re raising awareness of the impact of loneliness on our mental health and the practical steps we can take to address it.


Help & advice on how to cope with loneliness & improve your mental health!


  1. Try to do some enjoyable things that will keep you busy
  2. Try to do things that stimulate your mind
  3. Think about doing a physical activity
  4. Tray to engage with the people you meet in your daily life
  5. Find people that ‘get you’
  6. Spend time with pets (if you have any)
  7. Try to use social media in a positive way
  8. Talking therapies can help


How to support others who are feeling lonely!


  1. Don’t judge or stigmatise
  2. Try to make groups welcoming to other people
  3. Try to listen and show understanding